Digital Library

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with your library card!

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Books & Authors

Match your reading
interests to authors & genres.
The resource to help
you find your next
favorite read!

Create & Learn

Over 1,000 online arts & crafts classes taught by designers & artists. Sign up & get creative! All you need is your library card.
LinkedIn Learning is an online video training platform self-paced training classes in business, technology andStart learning today!
Learn at your own pace, with grammar explained in English and conversation examples provided by native speakers.

Download & Stream

Audio books, comics, e-books,music, movies & TV shows. NO WAITING! Download the app & you’ll have Hoopla wherever you go. Start watching Hoopla now!
Stream up to 8 movies & TV series per month.Stream from any device. New content added monthly.Something for everyone @ Kanopy.
Download audiobooks, e-books & magazines with Libby.  It’s easy with Libby!

Reference & Research

Up-to-date info.
Start your research here.
Improve your vocabulary!
Search across all Gale databases.

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    There is still time to participate in our Summer Reading Program!
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