Ledyard Gallery

The Ledyard Gallery is the Howe Library’s space for exhibiting work by artists of the Upper Valley. In addition to exhibits by individual artists, we host annual group exhibits such as the Elden Murray contest, the Hanover High Art Show, and the 55+ Art Show.

To inquire about showing your work in the Ledyard Gallery, email Tessa Johnson at tessa.johnson@thehowe.org.

Current Exhibit

Racial Unity Team

2023 Art & Poetry

Untold Stories: A hidden past moving towards an inclusive future

on display through
July 31st, 2024

Artist Statement:

The Art & Poetry Challenge – living, breathing proof of the power of the arts—is an annual contest hosted by the Racial Unity Team. In 2023 New Hampshire residents were invited to submit an original poem or visual work of art inspired by that year’s theme. Award-Winning works of students and adults from all over the state will be on display.

To learn about the Racial Unity Team, the works of local-area artists, and how you can enter the 2024 Challenge, “Belonging,” visit their Facebook page or https://racialunityteam.com/art-and-poetry-challenge

Up Next: A Photographic Exploration of Upper Valley Wildlife, by Tig Tillinghast

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